Saturday, January 3, 2009

BusinessObjects Integration with SAP NetWeaver BI - Technical Material

After 4 weeks of abstinence it feels good to be back on the blogging train and the first I would like to do here (as promised a long time ago), is to share all the material that I have used at the SDN Community Day in Las Vegas and Berlin.

I want to say THANK YOU to all the people helping to make it a great success and I hope that the sessions have been valuable for all attendees.

Here the material from SDN Community Day Las Vegas:

End-to-End Sceanrios with Xcelsius

Best Practices for Web Intelligence on top of SAP NetWeaver BI

Here the material from SDN Community Day Berlin:

BusinessObjects Enterprise & SAP - Installation and configuration

Crystal Reports and SAP BI

Web Intelligence and SAP BI

Xcelsius and SAP BI

I hope the material is useful to other customers as well and I am looking forward to your feedback


  1. Nice to hear about the SDN community day, although couldn't attend, the shared materials helped to know about it. Dashboards service
